Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sprucing up the Shutters

 After 5years in the same rental, my shutters that once were chocolate brown are starting to peel.  The weather in Germany can be harsh at times & that of course takes a toll on our vehicle tires, the grass and my shutters.  I would look at them and think, eh they look ok, then it moved to oh my goodness...this is just embarressing.  To be honest, I just wanted to take the easy way out, pull them all off my building, measure them and go buy more.  But let's be practical it isn't like I have hundreds of euros just laying around to buy brand new shutters on a house I do not own.  So Last week, I decided along with my fellow neighbor it was time to strip they wooden shutters back down and re-paint them.  It will take a little elbow grease & time but a little sanding and a fresh coat of paint will do one of two things.  First, it will be appealing to myself and second, it will show my clients that I care not only about what the inside of my home looks like, but the outside as well.  I am thinking of a blue color.  Here is a pic of us working hard.  Stay tuned for our progress


The fumes from the paint remover was so strong, I opted to use gloves and a face mask.