Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paella, a Culinary Adventure

 Paella, a Spanish dish & can be made to your liking by adding you own favorite ingredients.  It's typically made with some sort of seafood, but I found out, if you are allergic or just simply don't like seafood, you don't have to put it in there, add more veggies/meat. 

Ah Paella....Doesn't that just sound good? It was.....well parts of it.  Haha...traveling in the states and trying new foods for me is one thing, but traveling in a foreign country, trying to figure out what to order by thoroughly examining the menu pictures is on a whole other level.  Also, something that I've had to get used to is when more than one person in your dinner party order the same meal, it may come looking like this.  This is a serving for 3 people.  Kinda throws ya off if you don't know, you just assume, Holy Cow, that's a whole lotta food! 

Luckily, my hubby had ordered something a bit more basic and we all shared, so nothing went to waste.   I like some sea food, but am not sure about the shrimp that have eye balls looking back at me, the squid and the other thing that was kinda slimy and I was unable to identify.  The rice/peas, chicken, pork, red bell pepper and sauce...AMAZING! 

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