Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sprucing up the Shutters

 After 5years in the same rental, my shutters that once were chocolate brown are starting to peel.  The weather in Germany can be harsh at times & that of course takes a toll on our vehicle tires, the grass and my shutters.  I would look at them and think, eh they look ok, then it moved to oh my goodness...this is just embarressing.  To be honest, I just wanted to take the easy way out, pull them all off my building, measure them and go buy more.  But let's be practical it isn't like I have hundreds of euros just laying around to buy brand new shutters on a house I do not own.  So Last week, I decided along with my fellow neighbor it was time to strip they wooden shutters back down and re-paint them.  It will take a little elbow grease & time but a little sanding and a fresh coat of paint will do one of two things.  First, it will be appealing to myself and second, it will show my clients that I care not only about what the inside of my home looks like, but the outside as well.  I am thinking of a blue color.  Here is a pic of us working hard.  Stay tuned for our progress


The fumes from the paint remover was so strong, I opted to use gloves and a face mask. 

Orian's Before and After

Before......poor guy was so hot

Orian's Before & After Pictures......
 After...he's now one handsome maltese/lhaso apso again!!!!

At running the risk of my lil man looking like a hot mess, I refused to take my baby to any other groomer, but Mrs. Heidi @ Pretty Dog Grooming in Ramstein-Meisenbach.  We waited for over a month & it was well worth it.  Orian is our kid and we know when he is happy or not.  When he goes in he's happy, looks at me and is like by mom!  When I get back he's is hopping around, happy, smiling and ready to show his studdy self off!  She is not only good with him, she is very inexpensive & very kind.  She is bilingual which helps me a lot because I can express what I'd like done, which honestly I trust her and tell her, whatever you think would look good :o)  She also does it all: nails, cut, bath, anal gland(ya that's the yucky part), ears!!!!So if your in the KMCC or Baumholder area and are looking for an awesome dog groomer, who does small & big dogs, look no further!!!!!  Pretty Dog Grooming is your one stop doggie spa! 

Thanks for reading & have an awesome day!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Being a part of the FRG....
I've been a part of the FRG off and on since 2003.  Honestly, there were times, I just disconnected from it all.  If I was going to find out information about deployments, which for me was all I really utilized it for, I would just find out from my husband.  Especially since, I was an "out of state" spouse, it was just easier this way.  Justin and I had planned a beautiful wedding to be held at Randolph Air force base church/officers club for April 2003.  But after a series of events that occured in 2002, our "church wedding" was put on hold for more than a year and we did a jp wedding in Wichita Falls, Tx in Jan. of '03.  From 2005-2008, I wasn't too involved because at the time I was working at a Child Development Center and worked crazy hours.  Or my husband was assigned to units that were deactivating and not deploying.  There were stints of time where my hubby would have to leave with work, but nothing I really felt I needed the frg for.  Generally the meetings were held at 430pm and for most "working spouses" that time was very hard to get to a meeting.  The one meeting I had gone too, I felt very out of place everyone kept asking...who are you again?  I would tell them, I'm so and so's wife and they would be like, who is that.  I felt it was because a) I wasn't a regular attendee and b) we had come to the unit 1/2 way through the deployment and bonds had already been made.  Our second deployment was the lonliest deployment ever, Christmas that year, I was alone.  I lived on the economy, worked crazy hours at work and by the time I would get home was so exhausted I just wanted to shower, eat dinner and go to bed.  I had pretty much put my whole life in neutral and coasted until my husband came back home.  It was very depressing.   
In 2009 that all began to change.  I had made a carear change which made my schedule more open and I attended a Thanksgiving potluck.  I was completely blown away.  The frg leader had walked right up to me, knew my name and expressed how excited she was to meet me and hoped to see me more.....and she meant it!  I being kinda shy at first, was quiet, I know, I know...for those who know me, know I LOVE to talk...anyway, other spouses were very sweet and would come talk to me and made me feel very welcome. By the end of the night, we were all laughing, telling stories about vacations we had taken as if we had all known each other forever.   As the years past, these few ladies turned into almost ALL of the married spouses who were living in Germany at our duty station, attached to our company.  This group of woman became my FAMILY!  I would mark my calendar for our FRG meetings, it was exciting to go and see these amazing ladies.  There wasn't gossip, drama, back stabbing.  No, belive it or not, when we got together & we asked each other how they were doing, how the kids were doing, etc...we really did care and wanted to know.  We laughed, did outings together, bbq's, helped each other out with needed rides to doc appointments, baby sat each others kids.  To blow my mind even more our Single Soldiers were just as much a part of our FRG as the married.  These guys were awesome!  They would play with the kids: being silly, were human jungle jims and just all around very polite and courteous.  They new the time and place to "watch the language" ya there were slips, we are all human, but if it happened immediately aplogized.  I tell ya, mom's around the world should be proud.  They have raised some amazing good hearted men.  Anyway, by our 3rd deployment, yes the anxiety, sadness & heavy heart had set in, but not like before.  I almost felt guilty for not being devistated that yet another over year deployment was separating us again.  I kept asking myself, what is wrong with me? Do I not love him enough?  The answer was simple, I did love my husband, very very  much...but this time I had the FRG to lean on!  These ladies had my back and I had theirs!  Now don't get me wrong, I had nights where I would turn over and wish my husband was their, or a holiday would go by and I wished that Justin was here to celebrate or go traveling with me.  The first week Justin was gone.  I ignored my cell phone, didnt answer my door, stayed in pj's, watched movies and vegged out.  I need that time to put myself in neutral, cope and then begin to come back to life :o)  So to sum things up, when 1/2 way through this last deployment, they had asked for a volunteer to step up and be the frg leader, the answer was simple for me.....I VOLUNTEERED.  How, after these few years of all I was given, could I not.  I sincerely enjoyed this group of people so much that I just had too & I wouldn't change that for the world!  I'm truly blessed to call myself a part of the BLACKJACK FAMILY!!!!

Paella, a Culinary Adventure

 Paella, a Spanish dish & can be made to your liking by adding you own favorite ingredients.  It's typically made with some sort of seafood, but I found out, if you are allergic or just simply don't like seafood, you don't have to put it in there, add more veggies/meat. 

Ah Paella....Doesn't that just sound good? It was.....well parts of it.  Haha...traveling in the states and trying new foods for me is one thing, but traveling in a foreign country, trying to figure out what to order by thoroughly examining the menu pictures is on a whole other level.  Also, something that I've had to get used to is when more than one person in your dinner party order the same meal, it may come looking like this.  This is a serving for 3 people.  Kinda throws ya off if you don't know, you just assume, Holy Cow, that's a whole lotta food! 

Luckily, my hubby had ordered something a bit more basic and we all shared, so nothing went to waste.   I like some sea food, but am not sure about the shrimp that have eye balls looking back at me, the squid and the other thing that was kinda slimy and I was unable to identify.  The rice/peas, chicken, pork, red bell pepper and sauce...AMAZING! 

The beginning--Welcome

                                 Justin & I at an adorable restaurant in Figueres, Spain May 2012

Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Ciao,Hallo.......No matter what part of the world you are from, Welcome to my blog: Military Life Abroad: Spouse, Business Owner & Traveler! Life for me as a military spouse isn't about: how to be perfect, or being the ultimate trooper through deployments, or loosing yourself or your career because of moving with your spouses job.  It's about embracing life and all it's changes.  It's about SUPPORTING each other: your spouse, your friends, your family & making mistakes along the way. 

I have been a part of a military family my whole life.  I was born into an careerist Air Force family @ Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas in 1981 & Married into the United States Army to my soul mate, in 2003.  I've been conus/oconus (stateside/overseas), worked, went to college, traveled on a budget, started my own pet sitting business called: Pets Can Vacation Too Doggie Services, became an FRG leader & have met AMAZING people from varies walks of life.  My hubby is stationed at Baumholder, Germany & guess what.....WE LOVE IT!  As crazy as this may sound, I love moving & traveling no matter where that may be.  Probably because I have pretty much been breed into this way of life & my family always taught my sister and I to embrace it in a positive way, something I try to practice through my adult life.  Life hasn't always been peachy keen, but with each change & tribulation and there has been many, we have seemed to always come out better on the other side.   Life certainly has never been a dull moment & for that I am truly blessed! So let's let my fingers/pictures do the talking and let the blogging begin!!!!!   Thank you so much for visiting my blog! 
