Thursday, July 12, 2012

Chalk Board Paint Recipe

So today I just found out that I no longer need to spend $15.00 plus for Chalkboard Paint!  I'm making a chalkboard and need a lot of the paint, but for only about 4-6ounces at 15.00 bucks a pop, it's been a slow process.  So what am I to do with this newly found information?!  Why Share my dear friends.............
So here it is from the Martha Stewart website, free tips/tricks/design ideas: 

Pour 1 cup of paint into a container. Add 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout. Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps.
2. Apply paint with a roller or a sponge paintbrush to a primed or painted surface. Work in small sections, going over the same spot several times to ensure full, even coverage. Let dry.
3. Smooth area with 150-grit sandpaper, and wipe off dust.
4. To condition: Rub the side of a piece of chalk over entire surface. Wipe away residue with a barely damp sponge.

 Stay tuned for the finished product of my dinning room Chalkboard.

Thank you so much for following my Blog!!!

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