Life Happens

1 comment:

  1. Life of Passwords and Accounts
    Have you ever just had one of those days where it feels like your whole life is surrounded by accounts and passwords? All you want to do is get online, post some vacation pictures and wham! you have forgotten your password! Ugh, of course I'm not going to write my password down somewhere because I want to be the only one who has access to my accounts. Though sometimes, that way of thinking really bites me in the butt! I just finished stressing out the past 30minutes trying to remember not only my password but also what new account address I created. Funny thing.....I just created it this Now, I can laugh about it, but 30minutes ago, my hubby new to proceed with caution...haha Since I am having one of those evenings, let's talk about my frustration level with trying to upload photos & fb giving me the "error" message! Really, I see all my friends posting pictures all day and I go to upload pictures from our Spain and France trip for 3hours, lots of waiting, slow computer action all for the end result of NO UPLOADED pictures! Ok fb, let's make a deal, you allow me to upload my pictures so my family stateside can see them & I promise to not scream profanity at you...TIA
